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Jean Hu



What should students expect from your class?

Expect a safe space to explore and play, as we connect to our body, mind and spirit.

About Me

I am a Physical Therapist, Strength and Conditioning Coach and Yoga Instructor in Richmond British Columbia. Empowering and helping others move is one of my biggest passions. My love for movement has always been two-fold – I love to move my own body, but I also love to watch others move.

I found yoga in 2010 and I never looked back. It started out as another “workout” and quickly transformed and expanded into all aspects of my life. The “Yin” quality of this practice, balanced out my “Yang”- dominant personality and lifestyle. The mat became my place of stability and gratitude. In 2015 I pursued my teacher training to share this powerful practice with others.

My classes are grounded on proper body alignment, stability, mind-muscle connection and motor control. My goal is to help students gain strength, mobility and balance as they connect physically and spiritually to their higher self.

Instagram: @thephysiquephysio

What should students expect from your class?

Expect a safe space to explore and play, as we connect to our body, mind and spirit.

About Me

I am a Physical Therapist, Strength and Conditioning Coach and Yoga Instructor in Richmond British Columbia. Empowering and helping others move is one of my biggest passions. My love for movement has always been two-fold – I love to move my own body, but I also love to watch others move.

I found yoga in 2010 and I never looked back. It started out as another “workout” and quickly transformed and expanded into all aspects of my life. The “Yin” quality of this practice, balanced out my “Yang”- dominant personality and lifestyle. The mat became my place of stability and gratitude. In 2015 I pursued my teacher training to share this powerful practice with others.

My classes are grounded on proper body alignment, stability, mind-muscle connection and motor control. My goal is to help students gain strength, mobility and balance as they connect physically and spiritually to their higher self.

Instagram: @thephysiquephysio